25 years serving as the best and biggest mechanic shop in Mississauga.
Auto Services
Call (905) 275-9000 for a quote.
Tire Sales and Service
A car is held together via the chassis and metal, but its not going anywhere unless you have the right tires.
Checking of the tires is included in the oil lube and filter service, however we do check them with other services if requested, for no additional charge. Tires mean a lot to a car, they can even tell you if a used car has been in an accident or not (we will also tell you this!). Depending on the engine mounting and the drive train, each car differs when it comes to tire wear over time.
Auto Services:
- Remove and dispose of old tires.
- Match up rims and new tires.
- Balance the new tires with rims.
- Fit tires into axles.
- Set tires to OE tire pressure.
- Check . . .
- defects in valve stems.
- suspension and wheel wells.
- discs and pads.
- all joints.
- tire wear.
- all fluid levels.
- body integrity.
- axle integrity.
- Seasonal Check up included.

Safety Inspection
Our shop is approved for certifying vehicles that meet Ontario’s safety regulations.
Auto Services:
- Check . . .
- horn operation
- Seat security & belt.
- blower, heater, defroster.
- clutch pedal play.
- glass condition.
- E-Brake hold ability.
- dash lights
- 5th tire is locked and secured.
- any visible alignment issue.
- tread.
- dust boots for leaks.
- non-slip rubber pedal pads.
- cab integrity.
- gauges.
- braking pressure.
- collapsible steering wheel.
- windshield wipers and washer.
- hood latches
- exhaust leaks
- muffler delete
- speedometer
- sticking throttle
- brakes vs skidding (non ABS)
- steering
- brake lights
- turn signals
- backup lights
- headlights
- illegal tinting

Oil Lube and Filter Change
More than an oil change.
Auto Services:
- Drain and dispose old oil.
- Change oil filter.
- Fill with new Castrol oil
- Euro and SYNTEC
- Top off fluids & tire pressure.
- Check . . .
- the suspension.
- discs and pads.
- all joints.
- off-note engine sound.
- all fluid levels.
- body integrity.
- exhaust integrity.
- Seasonal Check up included.

Brake Service
Getting vibrations or squeaks while braking? Don’t self diagnose, give us a call first.
Auto Services:
- Break pads.
- Rotors.
- Change drums
- Remove rust from drum and shoes
- Break shoes.
- Apply brake cleaner and anti seize
- Inspect . . .
- axle for any damage.
- suspension.
- suspension coil springs.
- backing plate for bending
- wheel cylinder if car carries drums
- all connections for ABS.
- caliper for play.

Tune up
Most cars should be tuned up every 100,000 KM.
Auto Services:
- Replace Spark Plugs.
- Adjust Distributor Timing.
- Electronic Diagnostic.
- Replace Wires.
- Analyze plugs for any oil.
- Platinum and double platinum plugs.
- Replace Rotor cap
- Inspect . . .
- wire resistance.

The exhaust system is not only essential for controlling emissions, it also affects the backflow and power in a vehicle. If you hear an off-note sound from your exhaust give us a call.
Auto Services:
- Find exhaust leak.
- Cut and dispose of defective part
- Install (weld or gasket & bolt) new exhaust parts.
- Install performance exhausts
- Inspect . . .
- Exhaust rust.
- the manifold for heat wear and damage.

Transmission Oil & Filter change
For most cars the transmission oil should be changed every 70,000 kM in order to maintain proper shifting. Most people don’t know, but the automatic transmission relies solely on pressurized oil in order to “shift” into it’s already engaged gears.
Auto Services:
- Change oil filter
- Refill transmission with new oil
- replace clutch kits
- Change flywheels
- Report on the transmission health.
- Inspect . . .
- magnetic strip for particles
- transmission body for leaks

Check the engine light
People are often frightened to see the engine light come on the dash. However, at times it could simply be triggered by a fill-up.
Auto Services:
- Check . . .
- the trouble code
- related o2 responsiveness
- code history
- issue related to code
- Quote for the repair
- Do the job if authorized.
- Ensure the code doesn’t come up again. (check the car again after a few days)